I actually hate cute little puppy dogs. I would give you a dislike because of this, but the video was good.
I almost can’t believe the last fact, who measured that ?
I actually hate cute little puppy dogs. I would give you a dislike because
of this, but the video was good.
2. WTH so they make 432 million a day
daaaaamn McDonald’s
9. Wow that is so Fucking fake you don’t know how government print billions
of billions
whats the song man??
45% of every $ bill you owned was in a strippers G-string
Hi u tube
whats up tho
Oh God no you’re still making videos
Your videos are boss
liars MotherFuckers ! <3
Your videos are boss
that was interesting !!!!
5 veiw
What does number 6 have to do with money it Is just something very
expensive not a moneyfact
You must had done a lot of research
I like all your videos
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